e-Relationship's® Banking Partner Program
Offers Significant New Profit Channel!


Banks' Strengths & Opportunities

Even though traditional bank profit margins have shrunk, industry analytics show bank customers are three times more willing to discuss insurance with their bank than they are with insurance companies. Most banks are missing this new profit channel even though bank profits are significant and should be seriously evaluated. Banks continue to enjoy a high level of trust with their customers because bank assets are protected when long-term care (LTC) coverage is needed for assisted living issues (over 70% of those age 65+).Medicare Supplement and LTC are customers’ top insurance concerns. Building a “new department” to handle middle-market insurance issues internally requires the ongoing expense of personnel, training and management. There is a better way: e-Relationship's Banking Program.


How Do We Help?

e-Relationship’s increased revenue results are proven, unlike image advertising.

  • We have helped hundreds of bank branches create a significant new profit channel!

  • No capital outlay or effort for your bank!

  • Cross-selling enhances customer loyalty.

  • Our partner call center response is within 5 minutes

  • No bank interaction to build this profit channel

  • No yearly contract

  • Superior performance is our guarantee


How The Banking Platform Works


The bank selects product mailing:

* Term Life Insurance (1 per Year)
*Long Term Care (1 per Year)
*Final Expense Coverage (1 per Year for Ages 55 - 80)
* Medicare Supplement (Age 65 and Over)
*Cancer / Critical Illness / Other


Email messages come from the bank. Responses go directly to the call center


Commissions generated are sent to bank on a monthly basis